A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy

A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy

In our series, A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy, we explore our relationship with the ocean, realizing how developing a deeper understanding and appreciation of it not only helps protect a space we all enjoy and love but also makes us better surfers.

Through this 9-part series we will be discussing the seven principles of ocean literacy, as well as examining what actions we can take as surfers and stewards of the oceans

A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy
  • A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy: Welcome To Ocean Literacy

    Welcome to A Surfer’s Guide To Ocean Literacy. Throughout this series, we will discuss our relationship to the ocean as surfers, exploring how the ocean affects us and the impact we have on it. Natalie Fox will guide us through the 7 Ocean Literacy Principles and how they can make us better surfers.

  • A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy: Principle 1

    Earth has one big ocean with many features. Natalie discusses how waves are created, how that energy moves around the world, and how a deeper understanding of the ocean helps us, as surfers, find the best waves.

  • A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy: Principle 2

    The ocean and life within it shape the features of the Earth. In Ocean Literacy Principle 2, Natalie walks us through the different types of waves and explains how the surface on which a wave breaks determines its shape, power, height, and length.

  • A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy: Principle 3

    The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate. In Ocean Literacy Principle 3, Natalie guides us through the ways weather and climate create and affect waves. We dive into how swell, and consequently waves, develop from pressure systems and introduce how these concepts aid us in reading an...

  • A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy: Principle 4

    The ocean made the Earth habitable. In this episode of A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy, Natalie helps us to appreciate the ways that the ocean supports life on our planet. As surfers we spend a lot of time in the ocean catching waves but we don't always recognize the broader contributions that...

  • A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy: Principle 5

    The ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems. Ocean literacy principle 5 (and Natalie's favorite) goes through the different levels of the ocean from the surface down to the sea floor. Join us in becoming a little more well versed in the largest living space on Earth.

  • A Surfers Guide To Ocean Literacy: Principle 6

    The ocean and humans are inextricably interconnected. In this video on the sixth principle of ocean literacy we discuss the ways that we humans are connected and drawn to the ocean. Water helps to bring us back to ourselves and feel more connected with the earth and those around us. Natalie share...

  • A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy: Principle 7

    The ocean is largely unexplored. In the seventh and final ocean literacy principle Natalie walks us through different ways to explore the ocean around us, why being curious about your surf ecosystem is important and how ocean science has become an interdisciplinary study.

    Be sure to check out ...

  • A Surfer's Guide To Ocean Literacy Resources

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    For more information and ways to get involved checkout these 7 resources. Reach and let us know how you found our Guide To Ocean Literacy and if you have any questions.